Friday, July 14, 2023
Mississippi Receives 2023 NASS IDEAS Award
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The members of the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) have selected the Mississippi Secretary of State’s Office as the 2023 IDEAS (Innovation, Dedication, Excellence and Achievement in Service) Award recipient.
Launched in July 2020, Mississippi’s Tackle the Tape initiative seeks to cut complicated government “red tape” rules and regulations, which may prolong business processes, especially for small businesses. By doing so, the program seeks to increase economic opportunities for individuals across Mississippi by encouraging innovation and job growth. The office worked in partnership with the Occupational Licensing Review Commission, other state agencies, small businesses, and industry leaders across Mississippi.
“I’m extremely honored to have been selected as the 2023 NASS IDEAS Award winner. To be chosen among the other outstanding innovative initiatives speaks to the power of Tackle The Tape and the regulatory reform happening in Mississippi. I’m grateful to my colleagues for this recognition and look forward to continuing to use this initiative to promote business development and prosperity for all Mississippians,” said Mississippi Secretary of State Michael Watson.
“I was proud to present my colleague and friend, Secretary Watson, with this year’s IDEAS Award, which showcases the best programs states have to offer,” said NASS President and Kansas Secretary of State Scott Schwab.

The award was presented to Watson by Schwab on Tuesday, July 11, during the NASS 2023 Summer Conference in Washington, D.C. Secretary of State Offices in Iowa and Minnesota were also recognized for their finalist submissions.